Flatline is a digital cyberpunk magazine featuring everything from bold yet traditional Gibsonian tales to innovative takes on the genre that no one has yet dreamt up.

You can read Flatline free online. Our goal is to also provide physical copies to paying subscribers each month as well as yearly anthologies collecting all the stories printed in a calendar year.

Why subscribe?

Every month, we will release a new original cyberpunk story ranging from 3,000 to 8,000 words.

Why pay?

We believe writing is work and all work should be paid. Your subscription pays writers and artists for their contributions.

Our goal is to pay Pro-rates of $0.08 or $0.10 per word. This will be subscriber/kickstarter dependent.

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Subscribe to Flatline Magazine

An original cyberpunk story every month between 3,000 and 8,000 words.


Personal essays masquerading as reviews about games, books, movies, and whatever strikes my fancy. Also, serialized fiction and short stories.